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Available Online

Shamanic Session *

These sessions can be done in-person or via zoom

  • 1 hour 30 minutes
  • Lux Spa

Service Description

A Shamanic energy healing session can be a powerful and deep level of healing work. It can help you to release long-standing issues and move forward on your path in life. Your session may involve any of the following techniques: Illumination Process This is a powerful healing technique developed by Dr. Alberto Villoldo based on his training with the shaman from South America. It is drawn from the knowledge that we have a luminous energy field (LEF) that surrounds our physical body. Our luminous body carries with it imprints--like etchings or cuts-- from trauma throughout our lives. These imprints draw into our life the same type of events or people over and over again until we heal it. The Illumination Process helps to clear those imprints to bring about greater clarity and healing. It erases these imprints from the energy field and overwrites them with light, so they do not keep organizing our physical or psychological reality for us. Extraction & Chakra Cleansing When we hold heavy energies for a long time they will settle into our luminous energy field as denser forms. These energies may be intrusive energies such as envy, anger and guilt that can be sent from others or are self-inflicted. These energies may be from past wounds, past lives or present trauma. We will also cut ties that bind you to others to free up the pulls on our energy body from others. Shamanic energy healing which includes Chakra cleansing and re-balancing will be done so your body can regain its innate ability to heal itself. Ancestral Imprints & Past-life Clearing There are times when our families stories and trauma live on through their descendants. This can be in the form of addictions, diseases passed on, or things such a poverty consciousness. A shaman will track in non-ordinary reality to heal these past traumas through the familial lineage. The same can be true of past life wounds that follow us into our present incarnation. Unexplained phobias and fears can stem from unhealed wounds in another lifetime. Healing the past, can free us to live a life unencumbered by past traumas. Energy healing moves beyond time and space as we view it in our consensual reality.

Cancellation Policy

I Agree to participate in this Healing Session or divination reading with no guarantee of any specific outcomes. I agree that I must pay for my session in order to book and that if I cancel my session less than 4 hours ahead there will be no refunds. I agree that if I forget, or do not show up for my healing session there will be no refund of any kind. I agree to hold harmless hot girl healing and Angela Curro, as well as for any disruption of internet service during the session if your session is online.

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